Tanya Blong was our very first guest on the Creative Matters podcast and lucky for us she is back 96 episodes later to talk about her artistic journey since March 2021 and how her practice has developed and evolved.
In this episode we start by talking about the Creative Matters podcast, how it has evolved over the last 2 and a half years since I first interviewed Tanya in episode 1 and my goals for the podcast going forward.
Tanya talks about her upcoming solo show State of Leisure at Allpress Studio in Tāmaki Makaurau which opens on November 2nd and runs until December 1st. She shares her ideas around leisure and being idle, the inspiration for her titles, how music she's listening to or what she's reading can influence the narratives that develop in her paintings. She describes her approach to colour and the 'haloing' process in her paintings and how she almost wants to "halo the halo" and we discuss ways Tanya has got through creative block and grown the business side of her art practice.

Sugar Creek 2020 (The Bathers)

Hold the Hand Inside You 2023

All your Empties are Full 2023

Leisured 2023

The Late Breeze 2021
