Coral Noel Yang is a Waitakere-Auckland based, Taiwanese born, multidisciplinary artist who specialises in expressive figurative and abstract paintings with oil and acrylic.
Her passion for Aotearoa nature, her Chinese/Japanese heritage, and living and working across the US, Europe and Asia inform her works.
Coral worked as a film and animation director/producer in Hollywood for 15 years, before pivoting to full time painting during COVID lockdown in 2020.
Growing up under the tutelage of her mother, a premier artist in Taiwan, Coral is rooted in the Asian water-ink tradition and is inspired by the kinaesthetic experience, gestural mark-making and intuitive expression in the painting process.
Coral endeavours to bring narrative storytelling from her film background to create works that transport the audience to a world of possibilities and imagination.
I had a lovely lovely chat to Coral about her incredible film making career and how it informs her art practice, how she navigated grief and stress after losing her beloved brother. how she overcame her fear of failure and need for success and how she found her truest passion through painting.


Amazing chat Mandy!! Thank you for creating a space of freedom for deep and intimate conversation and I hope your great work and our collaboration will encourage many people and creatives! xx